
Interesting Old Patents Homepage

Taking a look at some old patents, what they indicate, and following the development of some of the most potentially controversial inventions.

The Pros and Cons

Before you get too deep into exploring the patents listed on this website make sure that you read through the following list of pros and cons, because there are some caveats that are worth knowing.

Featured Categories

Categories are organised so that you can follow the development of specific inventions thorough government verifiable patents for stages in their development. Today we'll be following the development of secretive categories of inventions though patents for stages in its development. The areas featured on the homepage currently are:

Alteration of Brain States

Lots of them use specific sounds and frequencies to induce desired states in the brain and have applications including anti-shoplifting, creating harmonious states in multiple humans and some can cause sexual arousal.

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Patent Date: April 20, 1976
3951134 USA
Transmit a Signal Though the Brain and Interprets the Resulting Signal into Brainwaves on the Other Side

Remote system that transmits a specific radio wave signal designed to interfere with the brain's activity in a way that yields readable results as to the brain's state that can then be analysed.

Patent Date: May 30, 1989
4834701 USA
Apparatus for Inducing Frequency Reduction in Brain Wave

Reduce the activity of the brain with sound waves at 4-16Hz.

Patent Date: Dec. 24, 1996
5586967 USA
Method And Recording For Producing Sounds And Messages to Achieve Alpha and Theta Brainwave States and Positive Emotional States in Humans

A patent on the synchronicity of converging tempos of recorded speech causing a specific positive emotional reaction.

Patent Date: Jan. 25, 2000
6017302 USA
Acoustic Manipulation of Nervous System

Portable acoustic device that can cause sleepiness, or sexual arousal etc.

Patent Date: Oct. 24, 2000
6135944 USA
Method of Inducing Harmonious States of Being

Use things like music, from a traditional speaker or an LRAD, or any other existing vibrational mechanism, to cause "Harmonious States". Potentially a real version of Cupid's bow and arrow.

Patent Date: April 17, 2001
6219657 USA
Device and Method for Creation of Emotions

A catalog of recorded emotions by brainwave state, and their related facial expressions, potentially indicating a work on a digital map of emotions (in the form of an ai model). This could later be used to figure out which of a wide array of variables can later be adjusted or controlled to induce the specific emotions. It could also be used to assess people out of reach by using cameras watching facial expression.

Patent Date: Dec. 3, 2002
6488617 USA
Method and Device for Producing a Desired Brain State

Using electrodes on the scalp to monitor and induce desired brain states.

Directional Speakers (LRADs), and Ultrasonic Comms Devices

As seen on TV, this is the development of the Directional Security device called the LRAD, it's used in maritime security to overwhelm aggressors, and it can cause the sensation of hearing things from nowhere but the ultrasonic vibrations do cause your ears to hear the sound unlike Radio Hearing Effect we follow later.

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Patent Date: Oct. 27, 1992
5159703 USA
Silent Subliminal Presentation System

I think this is related to the discovery that ultrasound can cause resonating vibrations in the ears by vibrating the target with inaudible ultrasound. Sound appears to be coming from inside you.

Patent Date: July 23, 1996
5539705 USA
Ultrasonic Speech Translator and Communications System

Method of using ultrasonic waves as an undetectable communications device, using something like a building as a carrier medium.

Patent Date: April 18, 2000
6052336 USA
Apparatus and Method of Broadcasting Audible Sound using Ultrasonic Sound as a Carrier

Description of the directional uses of LRAD technology in static, mobile and man-portable for things like crowd control and as security for buildings.

Patent Date: July 30, 2002
6426919 USA
Portable and Hand-Held Device for Making Humanly Audible Sounds Responsive to the Detecting of Ultrasonic Sounds

Looks like a handheld LRAD style device causing people nearby to hear without feeling where the sound waves are coming from, but the ear does vibrate.

Manipulation of Nervous System

Devices using various techniques to make people feel sensations such as bugs crawling on the skin. They rely on electrical pulses, magnetic pulses, or air pulses (such as sound), applied to the person's skin using frequencies such as 1/2hz and 2.4hz to create a sensation that they are feeling something somewhere in their body.

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Patent Date: July 16, 1968
3393279 USA
Nervous System Excitation Device

One of the first public patents describing apparatus that allowed people to "perceive" or sense radio waves.

Patent Date: May 4, 1999
5899922 USA
Manipulation of Nervous Systems by Electric Fields

Application of the 1/2hz and 2.4hz frequencies being used for causing things like sleepiness or sexual arousal, but using previously mentioned electrical fields, with electrodes in contact with the skin.

Patent Date: Aug. 10, 1999
5935054 USA
Magnetic Excitation of Sensory Resonances

Follows on from the weak electric field technique of making someone perceive a sensation on/in the body, now doing it from a short distance with magnets.

Patent Date: July 18, 2000
6091994 USA
Pulsative Manipulation of Nervous Systems

Application of the technology to make people feel sensations on or in their body using directed air pulses, instead of electrical fields.

Patent Date: Dec. 26, 2000
6167304 USA
Pulse Variability in Electric Field Manipulation of Nervous Systems

A technology that allows electrical fields applied to the skin cause sensations. It is now able to cause twitches and tremors on demand.

Patent Date: May 29, 2001
6238333 USA
Remote Magnetic Manipulation of Nervous Systems

Device that can cause a sensation or related effects from a remote place nearby on the top of a building for example. Using directional magnetic resonance.

Patent Date: Jan. 14, 2004
6506148 USA
Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields From Monitors

Makes someone feel a sensation or the related effects mentioned earlier from pulses on a computer screen or TV (CRT).

Devices That Cause and Use the Sensation of a Voice in Someone's Head

The cause of many people's madness, directly and indirectly. This category covers development of devices that cause someone to think they have heard a voice, that's not coming from them, without vibrating the ear drums. The sound you perceive is very difficult to tell apart from things you have thought about verbalising yourself. Please note; there are other ways to make people hear a voice, such as organic suggestion and also that the symptom of hearing voices has been said to be an issue historically, before this invention category existed.

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Patent Date: Aug. 22, 1989
4858612 USA
Hearing Device

This is a significant one, one of the first to use a microwave device capable of causing someone to hear a specific sound, "representative" of the transmitted sound.

Patent Date: Oct. 31, 1989
4877027 USA
Hearing System

A non-specific sound is caused as a "sensation of hearing" in someone's head with microwave radio waves resonating in the auditory cortex.

Patent Date: Jan. 4, 2000
6011991 USA
Communication System and Method Including Brain Wave Analysis and/or use of Brain Activity

"A system enabling individuals to communicate by way of monitored brain activity." By comparing the signals with previously recorded signals, you can work out what a person is thinking and potentially use some version of the radio hearing effect to reply. It is not apparent what type of thought it can cause a person to hear to enable communication, or if other types of thought than the sensation of hearing can be transmitted but seems to indicate that its possible to receive other types of thought. A mechanism for transmitting speech has not yet been patented.

Patent Date: Oct. 22, 2002
6470214 USA
Method and Device for Implementing the Radio Frequency Hearing Effect

A method of encoding speech using the Radio Hearing Effect, the effect where specific radio frequencies can cause the perception of hearing a sound in a auditory cortex.

Patent Date: July 1, 2003
6587729 USA
Apparatus for Audibly Communicating Speech Using the Radio Frequency Hearing Effect

A mechanism to cause specch that sounds like it comes from inside you, and now to enable communication with the technique.

Patent Date: Dec. 8, 2009
7629918 USA
Multifunction Radio Frequency Directed Energy System

A targeting system that can be used to directionally target individuals for the microwave radio waves that cause the Radio Hearing Effect.

Satellite Technology

All things to do with satellite technology.

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Patent Date: July 29, 1980
4214807 USA
Create Hollograms in the Sky From a Satellite

Method of creating multiple hollograms in the air/sky from a satellite using lasers. The hollograms could be used for communications, they could take the form of any physical thing. Each satellite is supposed to cover a large area of the ground.

Influencing Dream States

Technology for influencing dream states and causing dreams.

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Patent Date: Oct. 30, 2008
20080269545 USA
Cause Specific Types of Dreams by Playing Recordings of The Person's Voice

Cause certain types of dreams designed to help balance the person dreaming, the dreams are supposed to focus on the well being of the person dreaming. It uses recordings of the dreamer's voice played back at specific timings and volumes repetitively.

Patent Date: Dec. 29, 2016
2016209078 WIPO (international)
Induce Lucid Dreaming With Transcranial Stimulation

Allows a state of lucid dreaming (being aware of being in a dream) to be induced by using Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation. It includes a method of testing the dream state the dreamer is in by using EEG readings.


Miscellaneous single patent inventions including a Tooth Tracking Device, and an interesting Vocal Chord Adjustment Device that can give you a different voice,

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Patent Date: May 29, 2001
6239705 USA
Intra Oral Electronic Tracking Device

A tracking device implanted as a tooth.

Patent Date: Nov. 26, 2002
6487531 USA
Signal Injection Coupling Into the Human Vocal Tract for Robust Audible and Inaudible Voice Recognition

A system that can make people lose their voice or sound deeper or different.