Directional Speakers (LRADs), and Ultrasonic Comms Devices

As seen on TV, this is the development of the Directional Security device called the LRAD, it's used in maritime security to overwhelm aggressors, and it can cause the sensation of hearing things from nowhere but the ultrasonic vibrations do cause your ears to hear the sound unlike Radio Hearing Effect we follow later.

Patent Date: March 7, 1972
3647970 USA
A patent for a method of simplifing and compressing speech

This method enables a speech waveform to be fit into a smaller representation. It allows people to send speech using less information, and for the signal to still be intelligable. It mentions transmission though physical mediums such as earth and water.

Patent Date: Sept. 10, 1991
5047994 USA
A patent that allows an ultra sonic soundwave to vibrate a body and cause audible sound

Method of causing a subject to hear a sound using bone conducted ultrasonic sounds, that resonate to cause the actual sound in the ear. It's a silent speaker device.

Patent Date: Oct. 27, 1992
5159703 USA
A patent that allows ultrasonic inaudible sound to be used as part of presentations and to monitor the reactions

I think this is related to the discovery that ultrasound can cause resonating vibrations in the ears by vibrating the target with inaudible ultrasound. Sound appears to be coming from inside you.

Patent Date: July 23, 1996
5539705 USA
A form of walkie talkie that is difficult to locatate from its radio profile that transmits by vibrating the building/ground

Method of using ultrasonic waves as an undetectable communications device, using something like a building as a carrier medium.

Patent Date: April 18, 2000
6052336 USA
A patent for a mobile device for crowd control using ultrasonic directional speakers (LRADs)

Description of the directional uses of LRAD technology in static, mobile and man-portable for things like crowd control and as security for buildings.

Patent Date: July 30, 2002
6426919 USA
A patent for a portable and hand-held device for making humanly audible sounds from the ultrasonic ground transmissions

Looks like a handheld LRAD style device causing people nearby to hear without feeling where the sound waves are coming from, but the ear does vibrate.