Devices That Cause and Use the Sensation of a Voice in Someone's Head

The cause of many people's madness, directly and indirectly. This category covers development of devices that cause someone to think they have heard a voice, that's not coming from them, without vibrating the ear drums. The sound you perceive is very difficult to tell apart from things you have thought about verbalising yourself. Please note; there are other ways to make people hear a voice, such as organic suggestion and also that the symptom of hearing voices has been said to be an issue historically, before this invention category existed.

Patent Date: July 16, 1968
3393279 USA
A patent for causing someone to percieve some kind of effect from radio wave stimulation

One of the first public patents describing apparatus that allowed people to "perceive" or sense radio waves.

Patent Date: Dec. 21, 1971
3629521 USA
A further patent for the ability to cause a sensation with radio waves that can now cause a voice sensation

The first patent regarding the Radio Hearing Effect (RHE). It claims to cause the sensation of hearing in a totally deaf person using Radio Frequency (RF). The patent mentions how when Audio Frequency (AF) is applied as well, it feels like you are actually hearing the sound.

Patent Date: Oct. 16, 1972
3766331 USA
A patent for directly applying microwave signals to the brain to cause the sensation of a voice using electrodes

This device causes the sensation of hearing by using electrodes to administer electrical pulses with frequencies in the microwave range (not microwave radio).

Patent Date: Aug. 22, 1989
4858612 USA
A patent for a device that can be used to make people hear specific sounds using the microwave hearing effect

This is a significant one, one of the first to use a microwave device capable of causing someone to hear a specific sound, "representative" of the transmitted sound.

Patent Date: Oct. 31, 1989
4877027 USA
A patent for which enables a voice to be heard via the radio hearing effect that sounds like real life (not just like a sound recording in your brain)

A non-specific sound is caused as a "sensation of hearing" in someone's head with microwave radio waves resonating in the auditory cortex.

Patent Date: Jan. 4, 2000
6011991 USA
A patent for a method of mental communication network, where sounds are heard inside the skull from radio hearing, and the mind is monitored from a distance for a reply

"A system enabling individuals to communicate by way of monitored brain activity." By comparing the signals with previously recorded signals, you can work out what a person is thinking and potentially use some version of the radio hearing effect to reply. It is not apparent what type of thought it can cause a person to hear to enable communication, or if other types of thought than the sensation of hearing can be transmitted but seems to indicate that its possible to receive other types of thought. A mechanism for transmitting speech has not yet been patented.

Patent Date: Oct. 22, 2002
6470214 USA
A patent for a device that implements the radio hearing effect in a way that sounds like real life

A method of encoding speech using the Radio Hearing Effect, the effect where specific radio frequencies can cause the perception of hearing a sound in a auditory cortex.

Patent Date: July 1, 2003
6587729 USA
A patent for a way of encoding radio waves that cause the radio hearing effect onto SSB radio transmissions

A mechanism to cause specch that sounds like it comes from inside you, and now to enable communication with the technique.

Patent Date: Dec. 8, 2009
7629918 USA
A patent for a device that targets people that can then be used to transmit the radio hearing effect

A targeting system that can be used to directionally target individuals for the microwave radio waves that cause the Radio Hearing Effect.