Communications Advances

This category includes methods and devices that enable communication, such as radios, and speakers.

Patent Date: Sept. 25, 1958
2995633 USA
Silent Hearing Through Bone Conduction

The patent describes a method of using bone conduction (vibrating the skull instead of the air) in order to assist people with bad hearing. It could be used as a silent speaker. The examples suggest that a tooth is implanted with a device which then acts as a speaker.

Patent Date: Dec. 21, 1971
3629521 USA
Stimulating the Sensation of Hearing Using Radio Frequency

The first patent regarding the Radio Hearing Effect (RHE). It claims to cause the sensation of hearing in a totally deaf person using Radio Frequency (RF). The patent mentions how when Audio Frequency (AF) is applied as well, it feels like you are actually hearing the sound.

Patent Date: March 7, 1972
3647970 USA
Method for Simplifing Speech so it can be Transmitted

This method enables a speech waveform to be fit into a smaller representation. It allows people to send speech using less information, and for the signal to still be intelligable. It mentions transmission though physical mediums such as earth and water.

Patent Date: Oct. 16, 1972
3766331 USA
Hearing is Simulated Without the Auditory Tract Using Microwave Frequency Pulses From Electrodes

This device causes the sensation of hearing by using electrodes to administer electrical pulses with frequencies in the microwave range (not microwave radio).

Patent Date: Sept. 10, 1991
5047994 USA
Supersonic Bone Conduction Hearing

Method of causing a subject to hear a sound using bone conducted ultrasonic sounds, that resonate to cause the actual sound in the ear. It's a silent speaker device.